Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Losing Weight is NO Miracle... Just a Mighty Hardwork...

"Accept challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory. Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

One of the mighty tasks in life is losing weight. Penning down a few tips that have got a lotta changes in me…

(1) Weight loss depends on energy balance.
To lose weight, your energy intake must be less than your energy expenditure. Eat less and exercise more.
(2) Permanent weight loss requires permanent change.
Successful way to keep the weight off is to make small but permanent changes in your lifestyle.

Maintain or improve your health:
Make sure you are taking in adequate vitamins. Drink plenty of water and getting enough sleep and fresh air, and aren’t under too much unhealthy stress. Everything that you do to improve your overall health will help make weight loss more likely to occur.

Energy balance: Consume less Calories / spend more calories via exercise. Cut short your meal size and watch for the calorie intake. Don’t avoid or give up any particular food. Avoiding a food can lead to strong cravings, which indeirectly effects your diet. Eating less of those high-Calorie foods is indeed a smarter approach.

Keep a food diary:
To get a good perspective on the amount of calorie consumption.

Watch what you drink:Water is always your best choice, but coffee, tea, and diet drinks can also help cut Calories.

Butter, mayonnaise, sauces are very concentrated sources of Calories. If you want to add flavor to your food, try using lemon juice, soy sauce, salsa or different spices instead.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Beware of SLACKERS...

Women always feel proud of their achievements and I bet, we got every reason to feel happy. Woman tasted success in every possible field, though it be stepping onto the moon, leading MNCs, ruling nations, what not… there’s no challenge unanswered by us.

Many incidents drive me crazy with women being betrayed and ending up in a helpless state and not able to reveal things for justice, fearing either society or self. Media might probably be of a great help, but they are bothered about TRPs. Hypes the incident for just a couple of days and the incident is erased from the world’s memory after that. One of a real story inspired me to pen down this article, the intention behind purely to alert woman who fall in trap. This is to all people who have had heartaches after being betrayed or used up by the ones they loved.

A friend of mine was in love with a crook, who then behaved very decent. He wanted her to undergo a cosmetic surgery and she did. They got married in India without letting their parents know. The guy works in one of the famous financial firms in NYC. Setup their home in NJ. As days passed, rosy things started fading away and the girl got to see true colors of the guy… multiple affairs, hours n hours of conversations on calls with those girls pissed the girl. When demanded an explanation, talks grew into arguments and in turn the girl is gifted with divorce and abandoned… leaving her nowhere to go…

The great practice starts since Adam's time... When man has a chance, they lay the blame on a woman. When we tried to compromise things between both, the only thing he had to say was, how can he lead a peaceful life with an ever fighting woman. But, he missed a fair point that, how can one not argue and fight with a person who is passing his time talking to his girlfriends when his wife is around…

How can one be irresponsible? Get married to the girl of your choice and abandon her when your lust is fulfilled? And the guy is getting married to a doctor and never revealed her about his first marriage.

Ladies… Beware of such slackers… Woman must not accept; must challenge. Woman must not be awed by what is been built up around her; but must reverence that woman in her who struggles for expression.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Is "JAADU KI JHAPPI" real Magic?

It's so much easier to express anger than love. The minute you see something out of line, you don't hesitate to say something in a firm voice, before losing your temper. We are always ready to shell out feelings of frustration and indignation but when it comes to looking at our loved ones and telling them how deeply we care, we draw a blank.

If we hate someone, everyone knows it, but if we love someone, we never dare to express our feelings. Sometimes even the person we love doesn't know about it. In our day to day relationships; spouse, children, siblings, friends we never express our love. We presume that they know, we love them, care about them, so what’s the necessity of expression?

The simplest and the most powerful way to show your love is HUG…

You may laugh off the predilection of the psychiatry community in the USA. But “Touch” is an important component of attachment as it creates bonds between two individuals.

Hugging is also a part of Reiki, the currently popular touch therapy based on the transfer of energy. The area of touch is much larger in the case of hugging and the contact is much more intimate, so the effects are subtler. Many spiritual gurus, hug their disciples a lot, perhaps to pass on the divine energy. Reaching out and touching someone, and holding him tight - is a way of saying you care.

Immediate Effects:
* Both, the hugger and the person being hugged, feel better.
* Healthy, for the body and the soul, reaches inside and touches your soul.
* Perfectly hygienic. It boosts self-esteem and brings about a sense of security in a way no word can.
* The world may heal a bit if hugging increases, so do your bit and get your body into action.

And always remember, the person who is the hardest to hug is usually the one who needs it the most… So people, spread your Jaadu Ki Jhappis…

* We need 4 hugs a day for survival…
* We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance…
* We need 12 hugs a day for growth…

Thursday, August 5, 2010

"LAUGHTER" can change your Life :D :D :D

Is Laughter a medicine??? Researchers have their thumbs up.

Who needs it? We all do!

Laughter increases relaxation. Real belly laughter can relax the muscles more than a vigorous massage. Muscle tension remains low for up to 45 minutes after a session of vigorous laughter.

Why should you LAUGH?

* It strengthens your immune system.
* Relaxes tense muscles.
* Reduces blood pressure.
* Exercises the face muscles, diaphragm and abdomen.
* Causes the body to release pain-fighting hormones.
* It increases your intellectual performance and boosts information retention.

How to laugh on every thing you do?

* Find things that make you laugh and do them (See a funny movie, read a funny book memorize a joke and share it with your friends).
* Awaken a child in you and allow a feeling of playfulness to creep into your life. Let your mind be open to silly and uncensored thoughts. (What if everyone had to wear Yellow Pant, Green shirt, Red Scarf, Orange framed glasses and red shoes to work???).
* Share cartoons, jokes and other funny material. Put cartoons and posters that stimulates your laugh on walls and bulletin boards.
* Help others reduce stress and you make your own job easier. And people will just be more relaxed around you if they know you have a sense of humor.
* Recollect your favorite comedian. (Trikkum Trikkum Triyyum Triyyum, Lux Lux Lux Rupees, Nalla Balu… Nalla Tachu lekka)

Keep It Light
People will feel safe and comfortable around you if they know you can laugh - but not if you laugh at them. Humor that is cruel or sarcastic breeds a negative attitude in both the humorist and the audience. Stay on the light side. Life is funny enough without resorting to vicious humor.

ACT now and START sharing your LAUGHS… :D :D :D

Dreaded about Dark Circles???

Simple tips to keep dark circles away…

* Grate 2 cucumber pieces. Squeeze and extract the juice. Dip cotton and place on eyelids.

* Crush Mint leaves and apply the paste.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Donate Blood - Save a Life

A few years back, on a boring night shift at GE, someone sent a unanimous mail saying that a guy met with an accident and they need blood immediately. He had major injuries and needed to be operated.

I had called my parents to ask if I have to go to donate blood. My dad said YES and my mom said NO. Though not much educated, my mom is one of the smartest woman I had seen in my life, she didn't mean that I shouldn't donate blood...but, she is scared to death by injections and as I am the only child, she can't see me in pain, she says NO reluctantly to a few things. It became a family Mahabharat over phone and the result was hanging phone over each other.

Finally, a while later I had decided to go. I had approached the hospital, the doctor had taken me to the room, they started taking my blood. In less than 5 minutes, a nurse walked in with the news that the guy is no more. I walked out of the room to console his family. He had two small kids, the elder - 2 years, the younger - 3 months, the kid kept crying daddy ki emaindi (What happend to Dad?) ... I was speechless, as I cried equally with them.

LIFE... Natures biggest gift. The biggest boon for any human being is the ability of saving a life by donating blood... I learnt, for few things, time shouldn't be wasted as time wasted is time lost.

The culprit for the whole thing is the thought of a very slight pain at time of needle puncture.

Many hospitals and medical centers are always having a shortage of blood due to a lack of donors which often results in delayed surgeries and treatment, which can lead to complications and even death in patients. Just as you would want aid from others in times of emergency, it is important that we help to save the lives of others as well.


* Every two seconds, someone needs blood. One blood donation could save three lives.
* More than 1 million blood donations are needed every day. One out of every 10 people admitted in a hospital needs blood.
* Total blood transfusions in an year is 50 million. The blood type most often requested by hospitals is Type O.
* Sickle cell patients can require frequent blood transfusions throughout their lives. More than 10 million new people are diagnosed with cancer each year. Many of them will need blood, sometimes daily, during their chemotherapy treatment.
* A single car accident victim can require as many as 100 units of blood.
* A small percentage of first time donors may feel a little dizzy while some may get tingling in the lips and nose and chills, but only for a short while.
* Blood is renewable by your body, and you can donate every 56 days. After that, your body will again reproduce the lost blood and that will replace your blood with new and fresh. It takes about 30-45 minutes of your day.

" The list of requirements is quite simple: must be 17 years of age, must weigh a minimum of 110lbs and be in generally good health.
Individuals who have had any piercing other than ears cannot give for 12 months. If the ear piercings were professionally done, donation is allowed. You cannot donate within six months of a heart attack. If you have visited or vacationed in an area where malaria is endemic, you cannot donate blood until three years from the departure date. A woman must wait six months after having a child before donating. Anyone who has received a blood transfusion cannot give for 12 months."

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Homemade Packs for Hair

Homemade packs do not show immediate effect. You need to use these treatments for at least a month to see the difference.

For softer, silkier hair
Make a paste of 2 tbsp triphala, 2 tbsp amla powder, 1 cup yogurt. Apply the paste on your hair for 20 minutes before shampooing. It nourishes and conditions the hair.

For shiny hair
Make a paste of 2 egg yolks, 1 cup of yogurt and 1 tbsp amla powder. Apply the paste on your hair for 20 minutes before shampooing. Adding two teaspoons lemon juice to this pack will activate the glands that produce oil to give hair a shiny look

For dandruff-free hair
Mix 1 tsp neem juice, 1 cup coconut oil or olive oil, 1 cup beetroot juice. Add the neem juice to the oil and use it to massage your scalp for 10 minutes. Then apply the beetroot juice on your hair. Leave it on for 20 minutes before shampooing. Neem takes away itchiness that dandruff causes. Beetroot removes stickiness, reduces dandruff and makes the hair shine.

For stronger hair
Regular oil massages are a must to make your hair stronger. Massage your scalp with warm coconut oil added to coconut milk. Make a paste of 5 hibiscus flowers (red), 1/4 cup of methi seeds soaked overnight, 1/4 cup of curry leaves, 1/4 cup of fresh coconut. Grind only the petals of hibiscus with the other ingredients. Sieve the ingredients and massage into the scalp. Leave on for 10 minutes before washing off. This pack will curb hair loss and make your hair healthier. Follow this once a week.

For treated hair
Fruit and Vegetable juices help softening and revitalising the hair. 1 cup ripe papaya paste, ½ cup coconut milk, ½ cup banana paste, 4 drops rosemary essential oil. Mix all the ingredients and apply on your scalp and hair for 20 minutes. Do not shampoo your hair immediately after this. Rinse the hair with water. Rosemary removes grease and dandruff from the hair. Papaya, banana and coconut act as conditioners.