Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Losing Weight is NO Miracle... Just a Mighty Hardwork...

"Accept challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory. Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

One of the mighty tasks in life is losing weight. Penning down a few tips that have got a lotta changes in me…

(1) Weight loss depends on energy balance.
To lose weight, your energy intake must be less than your energy expenditure. Eat less and exercise more.
(2) Permanent weight loss requires permanent change.
Successful way to keep the weight off is to make small but permanent changes in your lifestyle.

Maintain or improve your health:
Make sure you are taking in adequate vitamins. Drink plenty of water and getting enough sleep and fresh air, and aren’t under too much unhealthy stress. Everything that you do to improve your overall health will help make weight loss more likely to occur.

Energy balance: Consume less Calories / spend more calories via exercise. Cut short your meal size and watch for the calorie intake. Don’t avoid or give up any particular food. Avoiding a food can lead to strong cravings, which indeirectly effects your diet. Eating less of those high-Calorie foods is indeed a smarter approach.

Keep a food diary:
To get a good perspective on the amount of calorie consumption.

Watch what you drink:Water is always your best choice, but coffee, tea, and diet drinks can also help cut Calories.

Butter, mayonnaise, sauces are very concentrated sources of Calories. If you want to add flavor to your food, try using lemon juice, soy sauce, salsa or different spices instead.